Carta della mobilità - Arriva Veneto
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Mobility chart

What is it

The Mobility Charter is a document that regulates the relationships between a company that provides public transport services for people in the area and the citizens who use them; aims to positively increase mutual collaboration, to raise awareness and satisfy the needs and requirements of mobility of people who move
in the traffic basin served by the company and also represents the tool through which the customer can know the qualitative and quantitative objectives, that is the commitments of the company, referring to the service offered.

In offering its transport services, Arriva Veneto guarantees all citizens compliance with the six fundamental principles that guide their business: equality, impartiality, continuity, participation, efficiency and effectiveness, freedom of choice.

Quality control

Arriva Veneto provides a system for monitoring the quality of services designed to consider:
• the standards (promised level) relating to company quality indicators;
• the level of overall perception of the quality factors;
• the progress of the complaint phenomenon;

The detection of the degree of achievement of the objectives set by the Arriva Group is used to outline plans for progressive improvement and / or maintenance of the services rendered.
The results achieved (the quality levels achieved and detected), with respect to the objectives, are published annually in order to make it possible, by third parties, to verify the quality level of the service achieved in relation to what is indicated (promised) in this Paper.

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